D&A College Prospectus 2024-25
Introduction to Hospitality and Professional Cookery SVQ Hospitality Services Advanced Certificate in Hospitality and Professional Cookery HNC Hospitality Operations PDA in Hospitality PDA in Hospitality Management NC Bakery SVQ Level 2 Professional Cookery SVQ Level 3 Professional Cookery (Patisserie and Confectionery) HNC Professional Cookery Modern Apprenticeship in Hospitality (SVQ in Food and Beverage Service) Modern Apprenticeship in Hospitality (SVQ 2 Professional Cookery) Modern Apprenticeship in Hospitality (SVQ Level 3 Professional Cookery) Modern Apprenticeship in Professional Cookery (SVQ Level 3 in Patisserie and Confectionery) Modern Apprenticeship in Hospitality Supervision & Leadership Courses
The hospitality and professional cookery industry is fun and dynamic with excellent opportunities for career advancement. Our courses are engaging, current and delivered in our own kitchens, bakery, restaurants, and café bars allowing you to put what you have learnt into practice. You will benefit from learning in a realistic working environment, gaining valuable hands-on experience and having access to industry-standard equipment and software programmes. What does it involve? Where will it take me? The courses we offer are uniquely designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to secure employment within the industry or progress to further and higher education.
Arbroath Kingsway
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