D&A College Prospectus 2024-25
NC Acting and Performance HNC Acting and Performance HND Acting and Performance BA (Hons) Professional Theatre Practice (Completion Award) NC Dance HNC Dance Artists HND Contemporary Dance Performance BA (Hons) Professional Dance Practice (Completion Award) Courses
We have purpose-built studios that foster creative, practical learning whilst providing a thriving environment for developing Actors, Dancers or Theatre Practitioners. Learners can showcase their skills in public performances in our award-winning theatre, The Space. Whenever possible we opt for active, hands- on, practical learning that is both explorative and creative. In addition, there is a range of exciting and inspiring optional masterclasses, workshops and performance opportunities. What does it involve? Where will it take me? The quality of our department has gained national recognition and we continue to offer a high level of both practical and pastoral support to help individuals get the best out of their training and to guide them to future development and career opportunities. We advocate gaining a broad understanding of the scope of work that performing arts learning can lead to and help you prepare for your next chosen steps.
Gardyne Kingsway
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