D&A College Prospectus 2024-25

We have a dedicated Help Point Service in each of our campuses with a team of experienced staff on hand to assist with any queries relating to College life. Designed by students, our Help Points were established to provide a frontline guidance and support service for both existing and prospective D&A College students. Our team can help with pre-entry guidance, course information, course progression, student fees, support funds, registration and student absence as well as general enquiries. If you need more specialised advice, then we’ll signpost you to the relevant department or external organisation. Our Help Points are open from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday during term time. Our Gardyne Help Point remains open throughout the holidays (except the Christmas break), so there will always be someone there to support you. You can contact us by emailing heretohelp@dundeeandangus.ac.uk, phoning 0300 123 10 36 or WhatsApp 07725 213174. If you have questions, or need advice, at any stage of your college journey then we’re here to help! helppoints

Chloe Hendrie Help Point Team Leader

My role is to lead our Help Point and Switchboard services across our three campuses and make sure we are meeting the needs of our customers.

Throughout the academic year I am involved in various projects to continue enhancing the student experience we offer at D&A. You will see me around our campuses, working in the background or on our Help Points. I love working with our students, watching their confidence grow as they progress through their studies and listening to their views on how we can evolve and adapt our services. If you are on campus drop in to say hello, I would love to hear about our experience with D&A.

Help Point Team Leader D&A College Chloe Hendrie



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