D&A College Prospectus 2024-25
Fast Track to Sport and Fitness Introduction to Sport and Fitness Certificate in Coaching Sport and Fitness Advanced Certificate in Coaching Sport and Fitness HNC Sports Coaching and Development HND Sports Coaching and Development HNC Physical Activity and Health HND Physical Activity and Health Certificate in Uniformed Services Courses
We offer a sector-leading curriculum pathway which enables learners with all experiences and qualifications and an interest in Sports and Fitness, to find a suitable course from introductory to HND level. W hat d oe s it inv o lv e? Our courses enable learners to develop their attributes, skills, knowledge and understanding within our purpose-built facilities to either progress onto another course at college or university or seek employment within the Sports & Fitness industries. W h e re will it take me ? All of our successful HN learners have a guaranteed place at Abertay University to continue onto a relevant degree programme or can apply to other partner universities through our articulation agreements. Our Uniformed Services courses have been designed with substantial input from partners, to help learners develop the necessary skills, knowledge and fitness levels to seek employment within a uniformed service.
Gardyne Arbroath
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