D&A College Prospectus 2025-26

arbro o r ath gardyne

kingsway way s

get et g i n to o n t ou u o uc c u ch h Arbroath Campus Keptie Road, Arbroath, DD11 3EA Gardyne Campus Gardyne Road, Dundee, DD5 1NY Kingsway Campus Old Glamis Road, Dundee, DD3 8LE General enquiries heretohelp@dundeeandangus.ac.uk 0300 123 10 36 We’re here to help with any enquiries you may have, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Pop in to meet us or contact us by email, phone or the live chat facility on our website. Our working hours are Monday - Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm.

@dundee_angus @dundee_angus_college facebook.com/DundeeAndAngusCollege linkedin.com/school/dundee-and-angus-college



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